Uncategorized Prime Minister Imran Khan’s, Govern of Pakistan, Regime Change Operation, Cipher Message Conspiracy
Uncategorized Political Dictatorship | Dictatorship of Bureaucracy | Political Monopoly | Unnecessary Control
Uncategorized Imran Khan is a Mistake of Establishment; How IK became Prime Minister; Regime Change Operation
Uncategorized A Unique Model of Hijacked Govt in Pakistan; Dictatorship of Local and International Establishment.
Uncategorized Rule of Law; Type of Law; Sharia Law; Constitution of the State and The Enforcement of the Rules.
Uncategorized Pakistan Intendance Day; Value of Freedom, Deep state, Hijacked model of Government in Pakistan.
Uncategorized The aggressive speech of Imran Khan against military establishment for disrespecting the women.
Uncategorized Imran Khan appeal public to get ready to fight against establishment for real freedom of Pakistan